We are a family-run swim business located in Boise, Idaho that has been serving families from all over the Treasure Valley for more than 15 years. We are passionate about educating children and adults of all ages about water safety, basic swimming skills, and stroke development in a safe, positive, encouraging, and FUN environment. We teach small classes in a warm, heated pool with excellent, motivated teachers who work very hard to ensure that children learn how to really SWIM!

Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Parking issues!

Swimmers, We have had several of our neighbors complain that people are pulling up too far on the curbs and into driveways and are inadvertently breaking sprinkler heads and flattening grass. Please remember that because we are a home based business, out ability to continue teaching is dependent on being courteous and respectful of our neighbor's properties.
Along with that thought, please remember to:
1.   park on our side of the street as much as possible from the fence line on our west edge to Cloverdale Rd. 
2.  Please don't block mailboxes or driveways.
3.  Please CARPOOL so that only one car per family is here at one time. We love to have grandparents there to cheer on the Lil Fish, but too many cars will cause problems.
4.  Please DO NOT use circular driveways as roadways.
Thank you for your help and consideration!
Image may contain: plant, outdoor, nature and water

Monday, June 12, 2017

Update on classes today

Hey all,

Right now the radar looks like a cloudburst at 3:00, but smooth sailing after that until 8:30 or 9:00 pm so please plan on coming to classes 4-7 this evening!

Classes are on!

It's sprinkling right now but the pool is warm so plan on attending classes between 12:00 and 3:00 today.  The radar models also are hopeful for the 4-7 classes, but stay tuned.


Hi Swimmers,

I know it may be sunny where you are, but we had lightning this morning so we have closed the pool until noon.  By 11:30 we'll post whether the noon classes will be held as planned today.  Please stay tuned.  We hate to cancel, but want to keep all the swimmers safe.

We'll swim Tuesday - Friday this week for those missing classes today.

Monday, June 5, 2017

Road construction on Cloverdale Rd.

Hi Swimmers,

Apparently there is some road construction happening on Cloverdale Rd.  Please give yourself some extra travel time for swim lessons!  We don't want you to miss any part of your classes!
Image result for Road construction